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i played on the bridge. it was mucho fun-fun. then, i played in a field like a fucking psycho. that was fun-fun too, and i was creepy. then, i watched the Nine Inch Nails DVD. i almost creamed my pants repeatedly. if you don't own it, GO FUCKING BUY IT! buy a DVD player to watch it on if you don't have one. that's how valuable this DVD is. whether you like NIN or not, this will greatly move you. additionally, get the codes for the hidden shit, so you can see marilyn manson do starfucker (with NIN). then, you can watch NIN and marilyn manson do "the beautiful people" and hear trent reznor scream fuck alot. plus, you can oogle over the creepy drummer. and there's more hidden shit. and they break their instrument a LOT. and they end with hurt (quite) so you wanna cry as it ends, because the crowd has a bunch of people crying and trent is on stage crying and it's beautiful. enough, i go sleep now. ok, bye.

"You're so vain. I bet you think this song is about you. Don't you? Don't you? Don't you? DON'T YOU? DON'T YOU? FUCK YOU!"

this is me.
i was writed on 2002-04-14 at 6:56 a.m.
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