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the plastic existance

we are the people with the fully automatics. we are the battalions of riot police with rubber bullet smiles. we are those of the plastic existance. EVERY SINGLE FUCKING ONE OF US. the one perfect person will create perfection of everyone. being as how i am not perfect, the perfect person has failed and is not perfect. thus, there is no perfection and all are corrupt. it's never been easier for me to see, understand or APPRECIATE my imperfections. it's never been easier to hate my imperfections and it's never been easier to hate everyone else's imperfections.

don't get the wrong Idea. thIs Isn't about you. you saId good-bye and I, thus, have to move onward.

this is me.
i was writed on 2002-04-20 at 2:48 a.m.
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