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it's my birthday again.

some random chick at perkins (a local family restaurant where i go for coffee) walked up to me and hugged me. she then got intimately close to my ear and whispered "happy birthday". when she hugged me, i hugged her back. when she said that, i turned to tell her happy birthday back. i figured i knew her (even though i didn't recognize her). then some dude took our picture and she walked off before i could wish her a happy birthday. the dude asked our entire table to go over to some girl with bunny-ears on and act like we've been friends with her since 2nd grade. then he was going to take a picture of us together. we did this, and then her and her group of friends chatted with us a bit and thank us for letting them be in our picture. only it wasn't our picture. so we told them that. as i looked for the man with the camera to inform him that i appreciated the chaos he was causing, i noticed him walking off. so, he did not get informed that he has gained my respect. however, it is still my birthday and i've been given 3 cigarettes (each by differenet people) as presents. so wish me a happy birthday and give me a cigarette.

this is me.
i was writed on 2002-04-20 at 5:59 a.m.
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