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timeline to insanity

Diaryland has become a cult thing. there are people from my city on here EVERYWHERE. i didn't start this, i really hope i didn't start this. i blame the people who influenced me to start typing here. as best i can trace it, it goes like this:

(1) Ferg got a diary without being corelated to us
(2) one of Pinktea's accounts was created and Nadawynn came around (i'm not sure which was first, but i think it was pinktea, who got nadawynn here)
(3) Devosmock (who i blame for this all) gets a diary because of Nadawynn
(4) Angiesweet got her diary 1 day later and i blame Devosmock
(5) over the next few months, not much, but i believe Picklefeet and Julesuu came about then (most likely because of Angiesweet)
(6) Mroutt appears before the rush, but i know not who got him here
(7) October of 2001, i appear. now shit gets crazy
(8) Smallgren arrives 2 days later

alright, i give up. i stopped writing to do more research and start jotting on a notebook the times of original entries of people from around here. i became rather discouraged when i got to Conraldo's diary and saw that it was full of people from around here that i've never even looked at. then, i decided to simply make the time line of people whom i know, but that's still going to take forever. plus, it's cheating because you don't get the entire outings of this cult thing. the BASIC path as i can see goes from Pinktea to Nadawynn to Devosmock to me to (i think the next most influencial) Breetastic to about 20 people at the hichschool. not to mention all those people not directly on that path. some day, i will have a spider web design of the cult's spreadings, but for now, realize i'm 2 steps from the top of a free triangle scheme. ie: i'm getting fucked in the asshole by the paintbrush in the goat's mouth (that's right, there's 1 paintbursh in the goat's mouth). meanwhile, i look hot enough to kill a yak or even a large deer (as long as it doesn't have antlers) and everyone wants to fuck me (chad and smalz said so last night). cherry coke mixed with dr. pepper (or mr. pipp i you're on a tight budget) tastes good. drink it, tony started that. and keep your fucking hands on your side of the car.

this is me.
i was writed on 2002-04-28 at 2:07 p.m.
i was writed before this and i was writed after this
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