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i'm gonna eat dennis' skull.

"I'd sure like to feel some pride, but this place just makes me feel satisfied."

today, i managed to escape for about 2 hours and go totally undisturbed. granted, i neglected a few people i was obligated to contact, but i needed solitude. as i attempt to solve one problem in my life, another problem decides it's going to fuck with me. in other words, my mom's boyfriend is a fucking cock. she's become a total fucking bitch since she's started seeing him and he's constantly being condescending. he wants her to get me to give her my house key back. i've got a LOT of stuff in her house. half of the stuff i have there stays because she is using it. in the end, it's still my stuff and i'd like to have access to it. she's already intending to move in with him and has discussed with me that he may well be my step-dad some day. tomorrow i'll get a chance to tell her that i don't like him and that if/when they get married, i won't be there. nor will i accept him as my superior or even equal. frankly, he can go fuck himself. if either of them attempt to pull the "you just don't like the prospect of someone trying to replace your father" shit, i'm not going to be happy. they'll follow it up with the "he's not trying to replace your father, he knows he can't do that" shit and i'll follow it up with the "ya, i know, because my father wasn't a fucking dipshit" thing. then they can see who's playing around. mom's already told me that he's intimidated by me because i say whatever i feel like saying and i do what i feel like doing. she also told me that he thinks it's impolite and he wants me to learn to respect my elders. my response to my mom goes something like, "if he thinks i'm disrespecting him, him's either too sensitive or right. if he's right, it's because he's doing someting worthy of being disrespected." something like trying to get my fucking house key from me. ARGH! i am gonna trip about 3 balls tomorrow when i talk to mom and i'm gonna get kicked out of her house at least once. be warned, i'll be in a bad mood after talking to her.

this is me.
i was writed on 2002-04-29 at 12:13 a.m.
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