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all things spherical.

i bit a hole strait through my lip
'cause i'm so sick and tired
of all of this shit

my back hurts and my soul hurts and my lip hurts (you thought i was being metaphorical about the hole) and my right elbow (pronounced as "ah-blow") hurts. i'm going to go flop upon my futon and lay there for a while. you could say i'm going to lay there today for forever...or at least for a little while. if you were to say that though, you'd be a faggot, like the white trash people thought i was. it's ok, it really DOESN'T all makes sense in the eyes of the child. i'm going to get a cat some day and name it "Vermin." it's going to be cute, and i'll train it to attack all things spherical. we could live
in another world together
and things would be perfect
perfect for us
for a little while
but it'll never last

this is me.
i was writed on 2002-05-04 at 7:16 p.m.
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