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Pinsky can rock.

last night, pinsky from Salute Your Shorts rocked me. he is a madman with a guitar and he can really rock it harder. jenny was decently hot, but not earth shattering. i talked to her, the hombre didn't. if'n you don't know what this means, rilo kiley rocks, and you should check their music out. The Reunion Show played a great set; i'd never heard of them before. i especially liked their song "From One to Awesome." Ozma sucked, so i gave away their sticker. then i went to Damfest 2002 (the 4th annual, i've been to all of them). it was actually rather small this year, but the mayor of my city (aye, i own this city) was there. he just lurked around like a child molester. i mainly hung out by the river to get away from the music and to enjoy the peace of nature. yet, i find myself wishing that pinskey would rock some more. good thing rilo kiley is coming back to iowa in july.

this is me.
i was writed on 2002-05-18 at 11:02 a.m.
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