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Yep, I've Been Writing Again.

i've already killed three more today
and no one's prepared to take the knife away

get your guns
get your glue
it's just me
or it's just you
shoot it all up
fuck it all up
it's just a blade
or it's just a barrel


i like to call her christine
but her name is more like music
i like to think of her as dead
but i'm really just numb


i can't be your epiphany
and i can't be your protector
i can't be your savior
and i can't be your lover

i can be your nothings
i can be your eveythings
but i'll never be your anythings


don't take it like that
it's not that bad
i just love you like that
so i hate everything else
i just love you like that
so i hate nothing else
don't take it like that
it's not that bad

this is me.
i was writed on 2002-05-21 at 2:28 a.m.
i was writed before this and i was writed after this
i make comments here and you can make comments here