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Yuric Monologues Part I

if the whole world was in blues and blacks, we'd all know exactly what we have.


bye elise. thanks for calling. i really didn't think you would. ya, i understand. i'll miss you. of coarse. hey, i might. ya, i'll miss you too. well, i guess i'll see you around.

good to see you ozzie. i've missed you

um...shit. no don't worry about it. nah, it's you just dumped yellow pop all over me. i'll just go home and change clothes. nah, you won't get fired.

lisa, hey, can i call you back tomorrow. i'm playing video games and i've my mind on them right now. if i keep playing and talk to you, i'll ignore you. if i quit playing and try and talk, i'll be thinking about the video games for about 1/2 hour. ya, i'll call you tomorrow. sorry. bye. yeah, i really just didn't have anything to say, so i'll talk to her tomorrow.

hey, chad, so, uh, it's pretty dead around here. let's go sit out in front of the apartment building and talk for like 3.5 hours. i'm going to go buy a Big Buddy. it'd be a waist if i bought a mega buddy, the ants in my room will get into it and all that pop will be waisted. what IS the point of consecutive life sentences? raves...ha ha ha.ya, dude, it just sucks that everyone left. well, angie didn't leave yet, but like she cares to hang out with me or has recently. ya, we'll survive a year and then we can leave this state. why do YOU want to move to arizona? ya, cali could work. so could seatle. i don't know about minneapolis. not far enough away. eh. you need something to invist your heart in. not just a hobby but something that can produce long term results. right now, i've got my poetry and my comic book, but i'll have the band eventually. you need to do something like that, it'll give you some hope when you feel worthless. if it eventually works out, you won't feel hopeless, so it's a win-win situation. you clothing design, that makes you happy. ya, but still. just design the stuff and have someone draw it. put it out on the internet and see if you can catch someone's interest. i can't afford to publish my own comic, but i can afford to try and get someone else to. ya, cool. yep, call be tomorrow. see ya.

this is me.
i was writed on 2002-06-20 at 2:13 p.m.
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