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Poem for Mom

last night, i got a crazy idea in my head. i thought to myself "wow, mom and sister worked things out between them and they argue more than mom and i do. maybe mom and i can finally get along." so i left my friends to go hang out with mom. i brought along some of my poetry and lyrics and a few pages from the comic book i've been writing. when i arrived, my mom simply yelled at me. my hair wasn't short enough, why wasn't i going back to college in the fall, and several other comment were made (and by made i mean yelled) by her. i returned her camera to her (the camera i ALWAYS use and cherish so much) and left. i drove around for a bit before writing a poem dedicated to my mother. then i returned to her house and yelled at her. i made her turn the tv off and listen to me for once. she actually did. i nearly lost my voice from yelling and my eyes hurt until i went to sleep eight hours later. she listened though. i yelled for about 30 minutes, then we talked for about an hour. she appologized for always neglecting the shit that REALLY matters to me. we got some things worked out and i genuinely feel that we'll get along better because of this. after i left (and the camera stayed there) i went and watched the truman show, then went to hang out with mike. i was extremely inactive all day after that, for i felt so drained. the poem i wrote to mom:

What do you see when you life down
What are your dreams, what do you dream for me
Did I hide the sorrow that deep in my eyes
What do you dream when you sleep at night

this is me.
i was writed on 2002-06-19 at 3:00 p.m.
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