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bite this, cock.


boy do i feel like punching a fish in the mouth. because fish don't have any feelings. just like people. no, this isn't meaningless. it's me poorly expressing the melloncholly i'm feeling. it's why i haven't called. it's why i don't want to call. i'm poor. i'm not only poor, but i'm in debt. it just dawned on me that i my debt to the bank is not going to be avoidable. i can't just neglect them and eventually pay them. i've gotta ge the debt payed so that i can pay electric bills that i don't have money for. thankfully, the bills haven't come yet and shouldn't be here for about 1 month. however, i have to pay rent in less than 2 weeks. i can't get a paycheck in that ammount of time. chad's going to hate me. FUCK! it's my fault, don't get me wrong. i fucked myself here. i'm unsure what i'm going to do. well, i know a few steps to it. step 1, get a 40 hour job at omega cabinets or some other shitty job that is ALWAYS hiring. step 2, work my ass off and get out of debt in about 2 or 3 months. step 3, be fucked because i can't pay bills even if i do start a job tomorrow. step 4, sell plasma at the blood bank. step 5, whine about it. bleh. i don't know if i'll call or not tonight. i want to call just so you know i don't hate you (lisa) buit i REALLY don't feel like talking. if you want something from my heart, sliut my wrists. the blood is from my heart. when i die, i wanna be listening to Something in the Way by Nirvana. if i kill myself, Paradise City (by GNR) will be the song immediately before Something in the Way. life is grand. dare i say grande. let's all go burn out and kill ourselves. let's all leave our cars running to waste gas (that i can't afford) and to ruin the environment so our children (those of us that don't go sterile or infertal due to the unnatural substances pumped into our bodies) are forced to live dieing. YAY! i'm gonna go fucked up the world a little bit more so no one can enjoy it anymore. i hope you choke, but don't die. then you have to suffer longer and live with fear. FUCK YOU!

this is me.
i was writed on 2002-07-16 at 10:05 p.m.
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