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wonderous band names.

i've been attempting to get my life in working order. thus far, it's working. that makes me happy. the other night (last night) tony b., willy p., and myself created several wonderous band names. the following is a list you can choose from (just email me and i'll give you permission if you don't suck):

Racoon Moshpit
Sloppy-Second Manage'
Whudabout Porno
A Cow Frying an Egg
F.U.C. Steve
Rumble Clitoris
Good Guy Out
The Wrong Hole
Exchanging Pleasentries

While you're reflcting on the wonderous band names, allyoupeopledaisypopcorn.

P.S.: Sometimes, friends really move, they don't just pack up and die. ;)

this is me.
i was writed on 2002-07-18 at 7:28 p.m.
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