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mike's not actually cleaning

Dear Diary (even though lisa read this first :P),
i'm sick of mike lieieng about insignificant shit so i got upset earlier at Village Inn. when i called him at 4 PM, he told me he'd meet me at VI "soon". when i got there at 4:30 i called and he said he was cleaning. at 5:30, he was cleaning but would be there soon. at 6:30 he was still cleaning. at 7:30 he'd be there soon, he was almost done cleaning. when he got there at 8:30 and i was pissy and then left at 9, he didn't understand why. HE DIDN'T EVEN FUCKING CLEAN ANYTHING. he played video games all day. he COULD'VE just told me he didn't want to go yet and to meet him later, but that's apparently too fucking much to ask. i may've hassled him about sitting there playing video games all day, but at least i wouldn't have gotten pissed off at him. BLEH. i'm out.

this is me.
i was writed on 2002-07-19 at 9:37 p.m.
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