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Relationship Self-Help chapter 1

Bleh. i thinked i hased something two say, but i wus wrong. instead i'm just going to have nothing to say and not feel like typing like a jerk off anymore. i read some diaries. some of them made me less than average happiness. people is crazy. more specifically, i dislike the feeling i get knowing (for they say it strait out and act as if it were true) that my friends are depressed. several of them. in fact, the majority of them. a few hide it better than others (well, one specifically comes to mind) but most of my friends are rather sad. bleh. everybody's sad because they don't have/feel they can't get a significant other. i spend all my time with the brunscheons so i DO know what it feels like to long for a significant other. i agree, it sucks. but if they were just handed to us, we'd not know what to do with them, nor care to do anything. this sucking is all part of the grand "things will be alright" deal. that's enough of me being a fucking self-help book. ok, bye.

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i was writed on 2002-07-20 at 4:06 p.m.
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