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"these are times which can't be weathered and we have never been back there since then."

i should probably keep this short simple and sorrow-filled, but i'll fail. the Hotel is no more. i closed the door tonight and, with tears in my eyes, drove off. i spent 7 PM to 4 AM there, cleaning. thanks to ozzie, katie, mike, dr. jones, and tony for helping. tony t., rockstar, also helped us, since he lived there too. mark was SUPPOSED to have cleaned some shit and removed some trash. however, i ended up getting rid of all of the trash via the back seat of my car. it took me 4 trips and i filled half of a dumpster with the trash. most of it wasn't mine, as i'd already filled 1/4 of a different dumpster with my trash 2 days ago. i'm not bitter. don't get me wrong. i'm upset that mark didn't help but will be the one recieving the deposit check. we WILL recieve deposit (a large portion) because that place looks better than when we moved in.

i cried. hoo-boy did i cry. i had to stop twice on the 1 mile drive to my apartment. something about having the people there tonight that were there made everything alright again. mark should've been there, but he'd already left for ames. i, being the first one to ever enter the house and to stay the night, was the last one to leave the house. mike, dr. jones and i watched glory days on mikes tv before we left. that made things hard too. mike's tv was the first thing into that place and also the plast thing out. we got pictures. so, it's gone now and the memories will always be here but no new ones will ever be formed. life will move on and will always be different. i'm starting to feel a bit better now. thank you all for being part of the Hotel. it will miss you. so, good bye Hotel. i'll miss you.


this is me.
i was writed on 2002-07-31 at 4:48 a.m.
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