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attempting a recovery

since my last entry, i've spent about 3 hours crying, 2 hours swearing alone to myself in my room, and 8 hours sleeping. the other 2 hours were spent with my friends attempting to stay calm. my day got significantly worse. so i didn't call lisa. i couldn't. i was stressed enough that my nerves were upsetting my stomach and to speak of personal matters would have made things much much worse. so ya, i'm still not going to speak of the original cause of my emotional turmoil, but it got worse when my mom called me, crying, to tell me that she'd sold her house. so that sucked. i've gotten over the intial cause for day-suckage, but the house being sold will continue to bother me for quite some time. i apologize to lisa for not calling, i'll call you tonight. for now, i'm off to turn in more applications. ok, bye.

this is me.
i was writed on 2002-08-20 at 11:30 a.m.
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