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the job hunt continues

"how can you smile, with those tears in your eyes, and tell me everything is wonderful now?"

i'd like to thank mike for showing up at my door at 8 AM and taking me out to go apply for jobs. he bought a paper (well, he bought it with my money) and we went to EVERYWHERE that might hire either of us. we even stopped by a few random places while we were out and all but 1 of them were hiring. 2 jobs we applied for we were actually unsure what we were applying for, but it's a job and, hey, i need a job. so, i turned in a bunch of applications, and i've a few more to finish, but then i'll turn those in later today and we'll see what i can come up with. YIPPEE!

this is me.
i was writed on 2002-08-22 at 11:27 a.m.
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