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Hippy Sucks

fuck all the hippies
that try to save the world with a hug
give me two bullets
and two bullets later
the world will be safer


my friends are doing the whole "i wish my friends were happy thing" again because their not happy. i don't appreciate them not being happy. i try to be jovial and shit. i try to crack jokes and at least make them laugh so they're temporarily happy. the least i can do is assit in their creation of good memories and good stories to tell.

smalz, get the fuck back here. willy p, we need to acquire some drums. ozzie, how the hell does a guy get ahold of you? jonah: DAMMIT, QUIT BEING SO DAMNED BORED!

unlike some, i'm not going to go into wishing the past could return and i could frolick merrily with spencer and kevin and whoever else. fuck that and fuck them. i'm here, now. i'm not going to waste my time on anyone that told me to fuck off and pushed me out of their life. i'm gonna focus on those that still appreciate whatever the fuck i am. no hugs for you. instead, i'll actually try and help. if you just need a hug though, i guess i can do that :P

this is me.
i was writed on 2002-09-07 at 12:11 p.m.
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