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can't leave notes.

FUCK ASS! i try to leave ozzie and will notes because i fucking felt like it. thanks for leaving me that note ozzie. with the down-trodden mood i was in yesterday, that made me smile and have one of those proverbial "warm-fuzzies." however, you're not accepting notes, so i couldn't leave you one back. and WILLY P....hooo boy. not only can i not leave you a note, i can't even see your fucking profile, since you deleted it. you damned bastard. now i'm going to have to wait until 1 AM to chew you out since i can't call ahead of time.

in other news, elise emailed me, and that rules, because i'd been meaning to email her, but was far to lazy. ik tried calling her yesterday. i tried calling mike, to see if he wanted to hang out and the number wouldn't go trough, so i tried to call elise and see how she's been for the past 1.5 months or however long it's been. however, with the dead phone, it was EXTREMELY good timing that she emailed me yesterday.

i'm surviving not being able to speak to lisa, but it's only been one day :P i wish i could see her sometimes though. i wish i lived near her and maybe i would go to UCLA or something like that, since i'm not completely opposed to college anymore. the time is nearing for me to return. i wouldn't be opposed to being able to see lisa though. in fact, it would bring me joy.

the movies "Vulgar" and "Crime + Punishment in Suburbia" are both great movies. watched both last night and rather enjoyed them. however, 2 nights ago i watched "Cannibal! the Musical." i enjoyed it, but it was a terrible movie.

i have a feeling that megan should've called me within the last few days to hang out, but i doubt she did. HI MEGAN! you should come hang out some time.

that's all for now. ima call my peeps in Ames when i gets me a werkin fone agen. ok, bye.

this is me.
i was writed on 2002-09-14 at 3:41 p.m.
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