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i learned too much i'm never gonna use.

i watch the discovery channel, the learning channel, animal planet, and court tv about 4 hours a day. i learn a large ammount of useless info each day. i learned about worms and bees 2 days ago. i've decided that the fluke is one of the coolest animals ever. it really is a body snatcher. it gets inside snails and then eats their brains and then attaches itself to their nervous system so it countrols the snail's body. these things actually exist. i also learned that there are 72 different types of worms that live parisitically off of the human body. that's the numan body alone, and just worms that live off of it. i learn too much. this stuff will never practically be applied to anything. i'm out.

this is me.
i was writed on 2002-09-15 at 3:50 p.m.
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