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eventful day

today has been exciting, to say the least. i've been rather active, and i feel alive. i feel as if i'm thriving. that's my word. thriving.

i awoke at 7:46 AM, after 2 hours of sleep (maybe a bit more, but guarenteed les than 2.5 hours) and began my 30 minute drive to Pig Killin' University (it gains this nickname because of the physical disability, PKU, which rules) and i realized that i didn't have a second form of identification on me. my realization didn't take place until i was halfway to PKU though. so i drove back. first, i encountered the same detour that's been on Rainbow Dr. for several weeks. today it was especially inconvenient, for the were trimming trees on the detour roads. thus, 1 lane of a 2 lane residential road is immpossible to drive on. to make matters worse, it was garbage removal day in that neighborhood and the trash cans were (for reasons unknown to me) in the street on the other side of the road, making the only available lane difficult to navigate. none of these roads were regulated, so people just kinda drove at each other and then had to back out because they're retards. near my apartment (corner of 18th and Main) there was a car accident. the entire intersection was closed off and i had to wait for a while for them to clean that up. finally, i arive at my apartment, get my birth certificate, and take an odd route to get to PKU. i managed to arive 10 minutes late, rather than the 15 minutes early i'd planned to arive. i check in and fill out paperwork for about 20 minutes, then sit waiting for 30 minutes because they were backed up. perhaps now would be a good time to mention that i greatly needed to urinate throughout this entire expedition. since i was at PKU for a UA (a piss test to see how much weed i smoke) i very well couldn't just go pee. so i waited. finally, i did testing. i only weigh 159 lbs. that means i've lost 14 pounds in the last few months. my right eye has 20/40 vision, while my composite is 20/10 and my left is better than 20/10. that's what i get for throwing rocks and having rocks thrown at me as a kid. my right hand grip is 78 lbs. and my left is 69 lbs. my hearing is average. however, my left ear picks up lows much better than average and my right ear picks up highs much better than average. i got my orientation packet and it tells me what we'll be doing as of tuesday.

after leaving PKU, i drove to my mother's house. she'd asked me to move the wood from behind her garage to the side of her garage so they could build 2 kennels behind her garage. dennis' dogs will be in the kennels, so i don't get free housing, like i hoped. originally, i figured this projest wouldn't be too large. well, it wasn't excessively bad, and i deffinately won't complain. it was difficult though. i carried approximately 2 trees worth of woods about 20 feet. it's not very far, but it requires a lot of repeated lifting which normally wouldn't bother me. the fact that i failed to wear a long-sleaved shirt is what really sucks. my entire forearms are rather scratched and sore. it began raining after about 30 minutes of work. i appreciated the cold rain more than i appreciated the hot sweat covering my body. 30 minutes after it began raining, i went inside for my break and dripped everywhere. dennis told me i didn't have to work in the rain and i explained that i prefered it. i rested for a few minutes and then smoked a cigarette before returning to work. total break time = 10 minutes. it only took another 30 minutes of work before i finished. 1.5 hours isn't much, although it was difficult labor. i feel, and felt, good to have exercised. strenuous exercise, rather than just walking a lot and punching my friends. i need to return to mom's later to receive payment and to take down the tarp which was covering the wood before i moved it. this tarp was my friend, because it made all the rain fall directly on me. my clothes stayed at mom's house and will be washed tonight, along with my other dirty laundry. i'm washing these, not her, because i'm a big boy. that's not directed at anyone, so don't take it the wrong way.

next part

if you made it this far and actually read everything, congratulations, i feel like ozzie right now. notes to people:
ozzie, i wish you were here to give me a back rub and so i could give you a hug
lisa, i wish you were here to give me a backrub and a kiss
chad, i don't really need a back rub, it'd just rule to get one. i will accept a kiss of hug from you
bree, i don't even know if you will read this, but i'm curious as to your email address so i can email you
willy p, smalz, tony t. rockstar, and mike, you guys rule. we should hang out some time.
keaghan, ashley, anika, and julie, i want a backrub and you still live here
doeden, you always cheer me up, i don't know if i've thanked you for that. you fucking rock
jon, thanks fer letting me use your comp. you should hang out with people on ocassion. that'd rule.

this is me.
i was writed on 2002-09-18 at 1:31 p.m.
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