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schizophrenic space safety

last night was good times. we watched Popcorn and it ruled. it didn't really rule, i'm lieing. but watching it ruled. keaghan, ashley, anika, tony b., willy p., and me watched it. chad didn't watch it much and the clark brothers were late.

who cares who watched the stupid movie, eric?
well, i do. i figure it's easier to remember who watched this shitty movie if it's documented.
but why document it? it's not like anyone gives a fuck
you know, you can shut your damned mouth any time you feel like it. i'm getting sick of your shit.

as i was saying...we had fun watching the shitty movie and ashley gave me a backrub while anika painted my nails. we couldn't find any grapes, else keaghan woulda been feeding me. i got my phone reactivated.

finally, you making a comment someone cares about. something worth reading
didn't i tell you to shut the fuck up?
no you said i could shut up if i felt like it. no wonder you document shit. your memory fucking sucks
fuck you. you're such a total cock. just leave me alone

grr...such interuptions. as i previously stated, i got my phone turned on. this means people can call me and i can call people. i prefer that people call me, for i'm not reliable about calling people. therefore, you should want to call me instead of wanting me to cal you. if such is the case, my number is 319-239-2883. i'm putting this here so that random people can stalk me and i'll have something to do on weekdays. that's about all i have to say. i'm going to go mow my mom's lawn now.
remember, we're always safer in space.

this is me.
i was writed on 2002-09-19 at 5:12 p.m.
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