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dustin = cockbeer

dustin's a meany-head. i had thigns to write, but i'm tired so i decided not to update. i was just going to read and then go to sleep, but dustin made me cry. i'd been thinking of "objects" because of you yesterday and now you post it in your diary. to make it worse, you make a comment about my dad, so as i read through it, i sang it to myself and thought of my dad. so i decided dustin's a bastard for making me cry. it didn't help much that i drove by my old house (the hotel) earlier tonight to see how they were. at 4:30 there were still lights on and there's stupid decorations up. that's a bonus. ok, bye.

this is me.
i was writed on 2002-10-16 at 5:22 a.m.
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