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The Smalz and the Damage Done

"it's better to burn out, than to fade my, hey hey."

i had a lot of dreams last night. i had 6 about lisa, 2 about elise and 2 about smalz. i awoke from one of the smalz dreams crying. i've been listening to neil young all day. i guess i don't tell smalz i miss him enough. i do though. we talked about him last night and how much he rocks. i'll get to have an entire life with lisa and i'm used to not seeing elise. it's how things ALWAYS were with us. i'm used to having the best sidekick in the world though. while chad was a decently sidekick and bud's rather good himself. even dr. jones, over the summer was a good sidekick. non of them compare to my sidekick smalz. my first and forever best sidekick. the one that would sit their and swear on the way to work and then talk about all the hot waitresses on the way home. see, he hated everything, so he loved it even more. i miss the crazy fellow. i want him back here so i can hang out with him. i love the smalz. he rocks.

"i've seen the needle and the damage done. a little part of it in everyone, but every junkie's like a setting sun........"

this is me.
i was writed on 2002-10-19 at 5:31 p.m.
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