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this week.

i'm not dead inside, just decaying.

i've been re-reading my diary entries from approximately this time last year. i was funnier then. i had less to worry about then, but i was less happy. i'm not as relaxed as i used to be, but i'm more comfortable. i hope someone can relate to that feeling. i don't feel like explaining much of what has happened this week. i'll sumarize.

1) the rabbit died. i thought of my dad's death becuase of this. it's nearing 2 years since his death.

2) i got suspended from work.

3) i went to jail that same night because a cop randomly ran my plates while following me. i've got a court date and i'll get that dealt with.

4) i got fired the next day for a bullshit reason. it's the same reason they suspended me, but then they fired me. if i woulda been fired the next day, bud would've gotten $500 for refring me to IBP.

5) rocky horror got canceled.

6) i got an eviction notice today. i talked to the landlord and got it revoked, but it still frightened me.

ya, i've not had a happy week, but i'm still alive and i'm still going to be alright. i've been out looking for jobs, and don't ask what job i'm going to do. i'll take ANYTHING i can. i'l update more tomorrow. i love you (yep, i love you) ok, bye.

this is me.
i was writed on 2002-10-27 at 4:20 a.m.
i was writed before this and i was writed after this
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