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666 and still alive

if it wasn't for the fact that i can't sleep, so i'm only half awake, only half alive, i'd be in a wonderful mood. i found out that all i'm getting for going to jail is a $100 ticket. any day (including today) that i proove i have insurance, i can pay the DOT $50 (which i already owed them anyway) and then get my license back. it's not getting resuspended and i can still get off SR-22 insurance on april 20th. after i prove to them i've got a license, i owe them $100. even if i hadn't planned on a $1000 fine, this would still be better than i could have expected.

"feet fail me not, this may be the only opportunity that i got."

this is entry number 666 and i'm still alive. thank you everyone for getting me to this point. i love you.

this is me.
i was writed on 2002-11-05 at 5:19 p.m.
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