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terrible night's sleep.

so, i had a fucking terrible night's sleep last night. by last night, i mean today. from 9 AM to 1:30 PM, my sleep went something along the lines of sleep for 1 hour, be awake for 45 minutes. one times, when i awoke, half of my right arm was completely numb. i could not move it or feel it. the other time, i felt rather sick. i honestly thought i was going to throw up. i've developed a theory on this. whoever designed our apartment is retarded. that's my theory. here's my reasoning. the heat vents in the kitchen are beneath the sink, inside the cupboards. thus, the water in the pipes gets heated and so do all your dishes. the kitchen doesn't get heated very well though. anyway, i was thirsty the first time i woke up, so i got a glass of water. since i didn't let the water run for several mionutes, since i wasn't in the most cognitive state, i got warm water. well, i drank it anyway. drinking warm water did not agree with my belly. when my alarm went off, i thought i needed to turn my TV off. so, i grabbed the remote and began to frantially turn the TV on and off, unable to understand why the beeping wouldn't stop. it took me about two minutes to figure it out. now i'm groggy and i'll probably be cranky all day. bleh.

this is me.
i was writed on 2002-11-22 at 2:08 p.m.
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