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serene dream

last night i had an extremely vivid dream. i dreamt of my girlfriend, who will soon be returning from the black hole. by "the black hole," i mean california. i couldn't sleep much last night, and i was thinking of her the entire time i was awake. when i finally did fall asleep, i had a weird dream. i was floating around in a void-like area. i could see her (misty's) face and it was in perfect detail. i've never had a dream wherre someones face is that perfectly detailed. she looks so perfect. when i reached out and placed my hand on her cheek, she smiled and pushed against it. she looked so peaceful, beautiful, and serene. when i awoke from the dream, i felt so good about myself. it's like a great weight had been lifted from my shoulders. i'm not sure where the weight came from, i just know that she relaxes me. she always makes me feel better. i love her for that. i love her for a lot of other reasons too. i'm just not going to list all of them yet. for the rest of today, i can relax, knowing that i'm dwelling in her mind, just as she is in mine.

"what is love, baby don't hurt me...."

this is me.
i was writed on 2002-12-09 at 3:23 p.m.
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