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Real World Idea

"'cause the hardest of the hard-hittin', hard-core killas
can't stop the slug of a nine millimeta."

i've been working more on my idea for my TV show. it's a stupid idea. it's going to be extremely fun to film and extremely entertaining to watch. no one significant (in the television industry) will ever care much, but it will be fun just to make. we're going to film a scripted version of the Real World. the reason it'll be fun, it's about mythical Dieties. this is what happens when 7 strangers live together in one house. they stop being mythical and start being real. we're still missing one member of the house. we've got Jesus, Buddha, Zeus, and Set for the males. we've only got 2 females thus far. Gaia and Pele' (the hawiian volcano goddess). if you have any suggestions, please note me or email me. my criteria: the goddess must from a seperate religion than any of the others previosly mentioned and must be possible to portray without a budget. since i've no budget, we can not use Shiva although i'd like to, for she has six arms and is blue. Because we chose Zeus, who is Greek, I would prefer not to use any Roman goddesses, as they're simply Greek rip-offs. man-oh-man, this is going to rule.

this is me.
i was writed on 2002-12-21 at 3:24 a.m.
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