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i'm giving thanks, finally.

i don't think christmas matters as much to me this year. in fact, i'm not excited about christmas until i actually try to be. what i am (moreso was) excited by is the fact that i get to (got to) see almost all of my friends
that live in far off lands
where faeries roam and dance
mystical places where
dragons are still real
and people still feel
places where you carry axe and sword
places where you can never grow bored

ok, so maybe my friends don't lead such exciting lives, but i sure do appreciate hearing about what they consider to be routine. so this year, i'm giving thanks (wasn't i sposta do that a month ago?) that i get to see my out of town friends.

for all of you intowners, you rock harder because you never left me, so don't think i forgot you.

but, in the end

this is me.
i was writed on 2002-12-23 at 3:38 p.m.
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