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it's so fucking cold everywhere, but i complain just the same. i enjoy the cold. everything becomes silent and lifeless. we can create our own worlds, paint our own pictures, and sing our own sounds. i digress, for my intent is not to create a new appreciation for the cold in others. i would appreciate regaining an appreciation of many things, myself. again, i digress. i don't love as much as i used to. fewer people matter. fewer activities excite. fewer mysteries entice. where can i go, if not for tomorrow. tomorrow looks like today. somewhere, something, sometime changed everything. there was never a diffinative point of change. one day, i realized things seemed much less vivid. everything was a duller shade of red. yet, i continue to digress.

this is me.
i was writed on 2003-01-13 at 1:53 a.m.
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