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season 8

i just spent the last 2 1/4 hours on the phone with lisa, my girly-fry-end. we had a minor skirmish, but nothing significant. we don't argue much. it's nice to have a relationship that we're both active in and continue to get along. previously (in seasons 1-7) my life had been a series of relationships with submissive women and relationships with women that had conflicting interests with mine. tory (the tory from seasons 2-5, not from seasons 6-8) held remarkably similar interests, goals, and beliefs to those of my own, but she deviated from those (about 1/2 of the way through season 6) and we no longer got along. basically, this writing would be yet another summarization of my reasons for loving lisa. i do not intend for this to seem to be a comparison to my relationhips of the past. i simply used those as an example to illustrate that i am currently in a relationship more fulfilling than any i've ever experienced. lisa makes me happy. LISA WINS!

this is me.
i was writed on 2003-01-18 at 7:49 p.m.
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