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Fuckin', Um

tonight, tony b and i had a good discussion about english semantics. however, we weren't discussing onomatopoeia or alliteration. we discussed exclamitory terms and their ever growing common used when paired with pausitory terms. pausitory (which is not actually a word) is the term we created to define phrases such as "um," "uh," "er," and even "like." these terms are used in speech to inform the listener that the speaker intended to say more on the subject at hand, but requires a pause to collect thoughts. an exclamitory term would be one such as "wow," "hey," or even a swear word. exclamitory terms are often used to get attention from a person who is not yet a listener but should be and are commonly followed by exclamation marks when written. until tonight, the only common pairing of exlamitory and pausitory phrases i'd encountered was "hey, uh" but that all changed tonight. tonight i was introduced to the wonder phrase "fuckin', um" and it has changed my life. next time you need someone to listen to you, but you don't know what you have to say yet, just start off with "fuckin', um" and ears will immediately perk up around you.

this is me.
i was writed on 2003-01-23 at 9:31 p.m.
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