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8 hour card binge

at perkins tonight (during the duration of our 8 hour stay) we played several forms of cards.

playing hearts: chad wins

playing 500: bud and i win, 5 times

playing blackjack (for pennies): tony wins significantly

it was fun. we all got really tired at the end. a waitress there named cindy (she's rather cool) said (to i'm not sure whom), "i'm used to it, i do this everynight." i had no idea in what context she was speaking, so i responded, "what, take it in the butt?"

on another note, i tried to convince julie to take it in the butt tonight, but she didn't (or so i was told).

this is me.
i was writed on 2003-01-26 at 7:06 a.m.
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