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fuck the ring.

i am greatly disappointed as i do more research on horror films only to discover more bad news. even more american horror films (which i don't care for) are actually remakes. the reason i didn't yet know: they're remakes of foreign films. currently, i'm speaking of the films "the ring" and "8 mm."

8 mm i thought was fucking worthless and not scary in the least bit. it was originally made in spain in 1996 (8mm is 1999) under the title "tesis." a girl is working on her thesis about violence and while doing research finds a snuff film. she finds out that there are more such films and while investigating discovers that the maker of such film is after her. this sounds to be much better than nicholas cage bumbling through his lines as if he has yet to read his script.

the ring was fucking hokey. the girl (from the film) had no movie-making materials and, frankly, the movie (the movie within the movie) looked like an art student's idea of something deep. a chair floating upside down is not the least bit scary, nor is a ladder scary. the japanese version (ringu, 1998) never shows the face of the girl from the film. she's also in his late teens (i'm talking 17-19) and has different resons for being a malignant spirit. those reasons are explained in the prequel (ringu 0, 2000) and have to do with her schooling and an evil drama teacher. this does sound slightly corny, but also sounds better than a girl being forced to sit in the loft of a barn and watch tv. of course, the ring will be releasing a sequel. chances are, it will have nothing to do with ringu 2 (1999) and will be even dumber than the ring.

other films which i think are over-rated and i know are remakes include (but are not limited to):
The Haunting, The House on the Hill, The Others, 13 Ghosts, and some others that i don't feel like writing write now because i've got other things to do.

bugger off.

this is me.
i was writed on 2003-01-28 at 12:44 p.m.
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