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Danish Bookstore

the first thing i did when i got home was wash my hands. "why?" you may ask. well, to be truthful, i just returned home from the local porno store. we three [queens] went looking for an exciting vibrator and one was purchased. it glows blue and makes you want to fight the dark side. i had to wash my hands because i touched video cases. interesting finds:
1) thigh cuffs. these were nice leather cuffs to attach a persons (most likely a females) wrists to her thighs. this is a rather interesting alteration on the idea of hand-cuffs. $34.95
2) a porno starring a male midget. normally, nothing is impressive about midget porno. however, in this midget porno, the male is having a dildo insert in his ass by a black woman. interesting twist on midget porno. $19.99
3) the highest number of sequel we could find was Slutty Sista #172. the tag-line had something to do with "big-bootied black bitches fucking and sucking." not very twisted, but rather interesting that it's succeeded through 171 other movies. $39.99

"hey, baby, i heard you like to freak. then, come out and play with me."

this is me.
i was writed on 2003-01-28 at 12:31 a.m.
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