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julie can be gay.

i don't know if i have anything to say today. probably nothing i haven't said before.

last night i had stuff to say. good stuff to say had i. i nearly convinced julie to be gay. i used reason and she couldn't dispute it. we did some math and the math said she should date girls. we psychological/subconscious test that showed she should be dating girls. hell, i even used the dieter theory. it, too, proved she should be gay. it's a fact not an opinion. she is better suited for being gay.

i even tried to help her take the first steps towards getting a girl. i wrote her notes to hit on a girl and she even read most of the comments. she was supposed to add "do you wanna fuck?" at the end of the conversation, but she didn't. she could've totally gotten laid if she did. i can't be blamed though, i did my best. oh well, i'm out. click on this to see dan's home movie.

this is me.
i was writed on 2003-02-02 at 3:20 p.m.
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