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animal planet crackers

on animal planet (nearly an hour ago) i heard a man say "it has a shitload of speed" with an english accent. it was uncensored and i was greatly confused that i heard the word "shit" on animal planet. he (the host) was speaking of the fact that a perigrin falcon flew 180 mph and then slowed itself because the lure it was chasing was only traveling at 158 mph. the maximum recorded terminal velocity for a human (in the lower atmosphere) is 312 mph. this is under ideal circumstances and the average is 200 mph. this means: a perigrin falcon can not only fly as quick as human terminal velocity (even though it's body is much less dense) it can control it's flight at that speed.

other interesting things Animal Planet had in store for me:

1) polar bears can punch through 2 feet of solid ice in a few punches and then kill a whale weighing over 3 times their weight.

2) 1 out of 17 adults in the world die from malaria that they contracted from a misquito.

3) a crocodile likes to eat a zebra's head. i watched it eat the zebra's head and was so over-joyed that i actually called a friend to tell him about it.

4) i can be so wrapped up in my book that i didn't even realize i was nearly 100 pages into it. Animal Planet requires very little watching, but plenty of glancing and lots of listening. therefore, my eyes do the reading and i gain double the information of your standard mortal man.

this is me.
i was writed on 2003-02-03 at 5:39 a.m.
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