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you don't need to fuck him

i do often get sick of people hanging out with me just to hit on my friend. yes, one friend that people hang out with me just to see. i get calls and people will stop by to see him. everyone wants to fuck him and i've dealt with this since the begining of high school. he's a great person (if i didn't believe this, would i remain friends with him) but he does not require the constant flirting. nor do i require the constant nagging to get him to hang out with me so others can enjoy his pressence. if you really want to fuck him that bad, get his number from him and quit bothering me. i do not appreciate false friendships based on your desire to sleep with a friend of mine. i would reitterate, but i feel i've done so enough.

this is me.
i was writed on 2003-02-05 at 8:32 p.m.
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