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weird dream night.

i had rather weird dreams last night.

in the first, i was at a camp ground with a group of my old friends. for some unknown reason, julie and amanda (my ex) were under my sleeping bag (it was unzipped) in just their underwear. i don't remember why, but i left camp and got in my car to leave.

then i was in the next dream

i was in this gladitorial arena/death show. my team consisted of several of my male friends and females that i'm no longer friends with, but i used to be. kelsey was on my team, as was amy (from my comformation, now works at Perkins) and my brother's ex-girlfriend, Nichole. the muppets weren't on my team, but they were allied with us. they went strait up the center to attack the bad guys and when the had their confrontation, i led my team around the side. we ran through a maze of fences and i got seperated. i had a tri-section staff and i kept poking people's eyes out with it. i don't know how to use a tri-section staff and i didn't in my dream either. after 2 guys took my staff, i ran away and realized i could just climb over the fences. i got on top and leaped from fence to fence until i found these stairs to climb when i reached the top, i saw an ugly woman and the rhyme appeared in my head (in my dream):
Dream Caster
Wish Master
Don't even try
to get past her
of course, i tried and she wished i was back on the ground. apparently, something went wrong, because i was back on the ground, but my entire team was where i used to be. i climbed up the fences again and then we had to climb across extension cords that were draped (in loops) around hooks in the wall. i figured that someone would make them fall, and i was last, but i went across them anyway. we made it safely to the other side,

but i woke up then. i didn't even get to find out if the muppets were still alive.

this is me.
i was writed on 2003-02-09 at 5:21 p.m.
i was writed before this and i was writed after this
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