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children vs. happiness

i came to a sort of conclusion a little bit ago. i was trying to figure out why it is that nearly everyone below 25 is unhappy, yet there are a few people that have no complaints. once above 25, people seem to cheer up. once people are old enough, their only real problems are things involving their children. then, BOOM it hits me. your body decides it's time to have children when your life is finally in order. once you've sorted your way through all the shit that drug you down in your youth, you decide to put someone else through it. life can never be perfect and having other people to be responsible for is the easiest was to gaurentee it.

"life goes fast, like a blunt it don't last."

now, it is time for me to depart on a job hunt. i'm going to gets me some employment. strait up, yo.

this is me.
i was writed on 2003-02-10 at 10:37 a.m.
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