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APAC training, day 2

there's a girl in my class (danielle) who was hitting on me yesterday. she hit on me again today. then she informed me that she knew me. she used to be friends with megan and she'd been over to my mom's house a few years ago. i was suprised that she remembered me. she's seen me in a dress. now, i sit by her and some dumb 17 year old bitch (she's not dumb because she's 17, she's dumb and 17 seperately) because they talk to me. granted, they're both hitting on me, (bud claims he's going to make a diary entry speaking of this) but the girl i used to sit next to (i was in the back corner of the class) didn't ever speak. i didn't get to choose my spot when we first wen,t but some guy dropped out of our class, so i took his spot. bud thinks it's funny that i've not brought up my girlfriend to anyone, but i don't really care. i'm not there to be friends with my co-workers. i'll make small talk and shit, but i'm not going to go into long stories about how i met my grilfriend and why she's in california (they would ask) for them. when the 17 year old bitch started talking about her boyfriend, i just made fun of him a bunch and refused to look at the picture of him. i don't care who he is and she's a dumb bitch. she's been flirting with everyone. she's a slut.

this is me.
i was writed on 2003-03-11 at 9:42 p.m.
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