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Bell South vs. Iraq

"now, i'm not the world's most passionate man..."

well, i'm pissed about the "war" now. i don't give a fuck about people dieing or who's right and who's wrong. i want the fucking war over with as quickly as possible. see, i work for APAC who, currently, works for Bell South. this is bad because Bell South has a pollicy that they do not use telemarketing during times of war. this means: until APAC gets a new client (which they are currently trying to do) i can not go to work. most people would be happy with a day off, or even a week off, but i really need money and i do, in fact, enjoy my job. thankfully, i worked extra hours yesterday, but a few extra hours will not compensate for several days off. there's a small chance i may work tomorrow, and i REALLY hope i can. ok, bye. PS: I don't trust any country with a "Q" in their name. "Q"s are weird and known to do bad things.

this is me.
i was writed on 2003-03-20 at 1:48 p.m.
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