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APAC work, day 1

hey, i finally get to make an entry. i think everyone's really getting fed up with the servers and the fact that diaryland won't let them update. this is the fourth time i've tried tonight and i finally made it through.

my sister's back in the hospital. she's running a really bad fever and has the flu. i, once again, am worried about her and feel bad that she has to go through all this shit.

work was great today. i made a sale in the few hours that i worked. we got off early because the president made some speach. i care very little about this because it will not change my life at all.

i got free pizza for dinner. i'm talking to my girlfriend on the tele. i'm exhausted. i've been busy lately. i'll get by though.

this is me.
i was writed on 2003-03-17 at 10:52 p.m.
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