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oh, happy night

tonight, i watched House of 1000 Corpses. that movie was all kinds of fucking fantastic. holy christ, did i love that movie. almost enough to give me a hard-on, but not quite. anyone that decides to watch it when it gets released into theatres, remember that it's supposed to be our modern equivelant of The Texas Chainsaw Masacre. it's so much better though.

on another happy note, i had a great time at Diamond Daves tonight. it was karaoke night, and for some it was drinkin' night. for me, it was klepto night. i came home with:
6 Diamond Daves ashtrays
3 shot glasses
1 glass
1 plastic cup
1 ice scoop
1.2 rolls of toilet paper
1 bottle of hand soap
2 whicker hand-fans (which i gave to my brother)

to make my night even better, i got an unexpected call from my girlfriend. we didn't talk for very long and the conversation wasn't very in-depth, but she called. for tonight, it was the thought that counted, since she didn't have to call (i didn't think she was going to) and she was really busy and tired. she called anyway though. it's the little things like unexpected tele calls that make it so easy to know why i love her. LISA WINS!

this is me.
i was writed on 2003-03-21 at 4:07 a.m.
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