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Official Messages from the Church of Jesus Christ of Former Day Saints

i never sniffed glue
and i never ate paste

before making my entry about myself, i want to send a few messages to a few people.

Mr. Outt: write bitch, write
Jokey-Neck, Chicken-Neck, Chicken-Fucking-Gizzard-Neck: stab bitch, stab
He of the Willaciousness whom doth speaketh in Japanese: pimp bitch, pimp
The Honey-Bear: you in my heart-shaped box
Too-Much-Fun aka "Fatty McDoesHeEverActuallyLeaveHisRoom": bitch, you gonna get stabbed if'n you don't leave that room
Leader of the Clan of Those with a Vertical Challenge aka "Smalzilla" aka "the Blue Bear" aka "the Dude on the Couch" aka "Son of a Preacher Man": dude, remember the boston tea party? everything that's english should be thrown in the damned water
The Dude with the small hands that doesn't smell like cabbage aka "Shorty McDoesHeEverActuallyLeaveHisRoom": bitch, you gonna get thrown in the river if'n you don't leave that room
The Dude with the small hands and the general gayness (who does smell like cabbage): bitch, you gonna get thrown in the river no matter what

this is me.
i was writed on 2003-04-09 at 2:30 a.m.
i was writed before this and i was writed after this
i make comments here and you can make comments here