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there has to be a term for getting off while having sex with a burrito

well, i couldn't take it anymore. after reading willy p's entries which regularly mention burritos and tacos, i finally broke down.

i've done the unthinkable.

i bought a 14 oz. burrito. it's nearly the size of my face.

i think i'm in love with the buritto.

Editors note (1:44): I just took the first bite and it's lovely

Editors note (1:51): I'm almost half-way done and the burrito has not moaned once.

Editors note (2:00): I know I'm a slow eater, but I'm almost done. I can't remember ever eatting a burrito this good.

Editors note (2:06): The burrito is gone and i've fallen out of love with it because i don't want to touch the burrito's naughty bits and it only fills me with a warm feeling in my tummy because i microwaved it

Editors note (5:56): I've been replaced by a pop-sickle.

this is me.
i was writed on 2003-04-27 at 1:39 p.m.
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