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It's 1:30, Do You Know Where Your Home Is?

although i think she was speaking of me in her entry, i am honored that the ozziemonster refers to the cedar falls people as "eric + co." i know i am a major tie between most of the people here. what i mean by that is: i was a major tie between the people here. now, people go on just fine without me and they all get along on their own. people who used to only hang out together if they just so happened to both be hanging out with me now hang out independent of me. they call each other, share their own laughs, and have inside jokes that i'm completely clueless about. i like to think everyone's matured past the point of freindly cowardisness.

i, however, don't commonly point out that i'm no longer required here. people would get on just fine if i wasn't here. i'm not saying that people don't care about me, or that i don't care about them.

once, bwee and i spoke of the fact that i made cedar falls home to so many people. they could always come back to their families and they could always return to their house, but i made this place home. with me here, they could always return and know that all their friends would be here. everyone seemed to feel is such a way that i was to be the first called when coming home. it didn't matter who you were. if you'd left town, the first thing you did when you got home was call eric. in such a manner, everyone would be reuinited and, excepting the new stories everyone had, it was as if no one had left

that feeling, that neccessity of contact with eric is no longer. maybe i felt it first because this no longer seems my home. maybe others felt it and that caused not to feel this my home. regardless of how it came about, i depart, this summer, for california. this place is not my home, my home is with lisa. it doesn't matter where lisa is. she makes me feel at home and i make her feel at home. i know where i belong. i will miss plenty of people here and elsewhere, but i wanted to make it public knowlede that i am leaving. there will always be other people in cedar falls for eveyone to return to and that comforts me. i too will return on occassion, but this may never again be my home.

with much love,

this is me.
i was writed on 2003-05-01 at 1:30 p.m.
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