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required writing for some crazy monsters

i am still alive. i swear to it. i've been hiding in an attempt to avoid all the mind games. plus, i've been busy recently. when smalz left, i immediately began working on writing. i've been working on writing an 8 issue mini-series of comic books with someone else that's needed to write also. it's good to have both of us working on that, because it means that we're both working on SOMETHING. plus, i really like the story idea.

additionally, i'm working on a short story by myself. i've also started a kind of klub/required writing group. by the 15th of next month ozzie, smalz and i are each required to have written 15 pages of something. it can be part of a longer story, it can be a short story or even a collection of poetry. shit, it could be 15 pages of my comic script or of a movie script. it just needs to be 15 full pages and originaly material. the 15th of everymonth will require this out of us. i know that 15 pages isn't a lot to write, but we're currently on summer "break" and working a decent ammount. i must go now, someone's videotaping me writing this in my super-secret underground base of hiding and such.

this is me.
i was writed on 2003-07-20 at 11:51 a.m.
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