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Summer Sanitarium Award Ceremony

i am home now from the Summer Sanitarium concert in Minneapolis, Minnesota and it sure did rock. i went to see Deftones and Mudvayne. I saw Mudvayne, Linkin Park, Limp Bizkit and Metallica. Chino decided he needed to be sick and be in the hospital, so Deftones didn't play. i like that very little, but the concert was still great. i'll probably write more later explaiing the whole trip and stuff, but for now, i want to say that i had a great time. additionally, i have some awards to hand out to people.

Best Drummer: Spag (from Mudvayne) for his ability to stay enthusiastic and continue to rockme even though the sound quality was shit and nearly no vocals could be heard.

Best Bassist: Robert Trujillo (from Metallica) for his ability to stay enthusiastic and continue to rockme even though the rest of the band never moved more than 5 feet at a time. He also was head banging and kicking stuff while the rest just stood there in their "I'm Metallica" pose.

Best Guitarist: Brad Delson (from Linkin Park) for his ability to rock me just as hard as the vocalists did and play guitar simultaneously. He even gets another award that I design because he rocked so much.

Best Bearded-Person in a Band: Brad Delson (from Linkin Park) because his beard sure did rock.

Best DJ: DJ Jospeh Hahn and DJ Lethal. Both rocked it equally hard and neither really got a moment to themself to prove just how good they were.

Best Vocalist: As much as i know the viewers won't like it, the award goes to Fred Durst (of Limp Bizkit). He truely got the crowd involved (by doing half the set from the crowd) and he flailed around a lot. I would guess that about 6000 people managed to rush the floor (myself included) while security was trying to stop him from getting hurt or destroying the beer stand (which he stood atop to drink a beer) but there may have been more or less. He really did rock hard, but the rest of the band didn't do much.

and finally...the big one...The Best Performance as a Whole Band: Linkin Park. The band constantly rocked out. There was moshing between band members aplenty and almost constant headbanging. They jumped on things, they jumped off things and they jumped around a lot. I am, once again, impressed by their live show and after being really impressed (and i mean really impressed) by their live show twice, I will admit that they're a great live band and worth seeing.

Now, I'd like to thank you all for attending my award show and I'd like to wish Chino good look on getting better so that no one else has to suffer the dissapointment I had to. I really did want to see the Deftones and wish they would've played. If you ever want to know what Metallica's performance is like, don't look any further because people will lie and tell you they rock live. They don't. They stand there and point out that they're Metallica and that they love you. Apparently them being Metallica is enough to satisfy most people, but it deffinately did nothing for me. Additionally, there was not a single mosh pit for their entire 2 hour performance which shows just how little energy the band had and the band caused the crowd to have. I'll probably write more later (and i said earlier) but for now, i'm going to depart to places unknown. My name's Eric Thayer and I hope to see you (or hear from you) again. Good day and good bye.

this is me.
i was writed on 2003-07-28 at 1:22 p.m.
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